Larita SL is a company dedicated exclusively to distribution and wholesale, so no product will be sell to retail customer. If you wish to purchase any of our products and you are not profesional, you can send us an email and we can request one of our nearest customers to contact you.

Bellow you can find the steps for registration and purchase:

1.      Registry.

Customer will have to fill with his comercial details the datasheet in “Register” section of the website. Once registered, we will proceed to verification of the details, this procedure may take couple of days. If we can´t verify the details, additional documentation may be asked.

Customer recognize and agree the given details are true and real when registration details are submited.

Larita SL reserves the right of cancellation of any account if it has been innactive for a long period of time, or in the case that contents and information in this website is disclosed to third parties which are not part of the purchase operation.


2.      Making an order.

Order can be placed in through the website itself, adding the desired ítems to the shopping cart and confirming the order.

In case of dificulties, order can be placed:

By pone: +34 96 341 57 21

By email:

In any of the cases, a proforma invoce will be submitted with our bank details. Larita SL reserves the right of modification of prices and contents of the present website if it is considerated neccesary.


3.      Payment method.

Payment can be done by credit card (for Spain and Portugal purchases only) and by bank transfer to the account number mentioned on the proforma invoice customer will get oncle placed the order. Once received the payment, order will be given to transport within the next 24-48 working hours (transport time not included, which will change depending on the destination of the order).

1.      Shipment and freight.

All our shipment are done with nationwide known transport companies, our shipping policy can be seen in the “Shipment Policy” department.

Larita SL declines any responsability for delays and/or damages caused by the transport companies, however all the possible will be done to solve the incidence at the earliest.

When any damage is appreciated on the parcel, is very importat to make a note on the delivery note of the transport company.


2.      Changes,  Returns or Claims for missing products or damages.

All our goods passes through an exhaustive selection control, before packing and shipping the order. Our company is dedicated exclusively to wholesale business. For this reason, we assume that Customer makes the neccesary purchase, so in general terms returns and changes are not permited. In case of any discrepancy in goods received, customer will have to notify within the right next 7 days since reception of goods. In case that return is accepted, goods may have to be sent to:

Larita SL – C/ Alcoy, No. 7 Bajos – 46004 – Valencia (Spain)

Return expenses will be on customer´s side.

In the case of faults or breakages, they must be notified by email to within 24 hours of receipt of the package with attached image of the damaged product, image of the flap where the references that are entered are noted in the box and image of the proforma, otherwise, we will not be able to take charge of the damages caused by the transport company or the pertinent replacements. We highly recommend to keep the outer boxes until the claim has been processed. 


3.      Confidentiality Policy.

Larita SL guarantees safety and confidentiality in comunications between the company and the customer. The details will be incorporated to a data base in order to make easy to place an order, and send some commertial offers in the future base don products and services for your interest, in non of the cases those details will be given to thrid companies. In order to the Personal Details Protection Law 15/1999 of 13 December, customer will always have right to access , rectification, cancellation and oposition of their details, communicating by email or letter.


4.      Legislation and conflict resolution.

The sales and purchases held with Larita SL are submited to Spanish rules and regulations. In caso of any conflict or divergence, will be submited to Legal Authority of City of Valencia (Spain).

5.    Cambios y Devoluciones.

Todas nuestras mercancías pasan por un exhaustivo control de selección antes de ser enviadas. Como empresa dedicada a la venta al por mayor, asumimos que el Cliente realiza las compras necesarias. Por ello, por regla general no se aceptan cambios ni devoluciones. No obstante, en caso de alguna discrepancia con el material recibido, deberá de notificarse a Larita SL en un plazo no superior a los 7 días desde la recepción del pedido. En caso de que se acepte la devolución, los gastos de envío de las devoluciones y/o cambios, correrán por cuenta del Cliente y deberán realizarse al domicilio de la empresa:

C/ Alcoy nº 7, bajo, 46004 – Valencia.

Los gastos originados por cualquier devolución serán satisfechos por el Cliente.

En el caso de faltas o roturas, deberán de ser notificadas por email a dentro de las 24 horas siguientes a la recepción del paquete con:

a) En caso de rotura: imagen adjunta del producto dañado, imagen del embalaje exterior e imagen de la etiqueta del transporte.

b) En caso de falta: imagen de la solapa donde se anotan las referencias que se introducen en la caja e imagen de la proforma.

De lo contrario, no podremos hacernos cargo de los daños ocasionados por la empresa de transporte o las pertinentes reposiciones. Recomendamos encarecidamente conservar los embalajes exteriores hasta que se haya tramitado las incidencia. Salvo exepción, la reposición se efectuará en la próxima compra, o se procederá al reembolso del valor de la mercancía dañada.


6.    Política de confidencialidad.

Larita SL, garantiza la seguridad y confidencialidad en sus comunicaciones con el cliente. Los datos serán incorporados a un fichero con el fin de facilitar la tramitación de los pedidos y enviarle ofertas comerciales en el futuro sobre productos y servicios de su interés, en ningún caso dichos datos serán facilitados a terceras empresas. En cumplimiento de la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de Diciembre de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal, el cliente podrá en todo momento ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición, comunicándolo por escrito al domicilio social o mediante correo electrónico.

7.    Legislación y resolución de conflictos.

Las compraventas realizadas con Larita SL, se someten a la legislación española, (Código Civil, Código de, Ley General de Defensa de los Consumidores y, Ley de Condiciones Generales de la Contratación, Decreto 1906/1999 de 17 de Diciembre, y demás normativa).

8. Copyright.

The contects of this website are property of Larita SL. Any total or partial reproduction of any image or text is prohibited, with the exception of written authorization from the company.

We rest at your disposal for any enquiries you have.